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Estados Unidos Designa a personas iraníes relacionadas con detenciones injustas

Estados Unidos Designa a personas iraníes  relacionadas con detenciones injustas

Antony J. Blinken, Secretario de Estado

Mientras celebramos la liberación de Emad Shargi, Siamak Namazi, Morad Tahbaz y otros dos ciudadanos estadounidenses de su detención injusta en Irán, también estamos tomando medidas para responsabilizar al régimen por su abominable práctica de detener injustamente a ciudadanos de otros países y para disuadir futuras detenciones injustas por parte de Irán y otros regímenes.

De conformidad con las autoridades sancionadoras previstas por la Ley Levinson y la Orden Ejecutiva 14078, Estados Unidos designa hoy al Ministerio de Inteligencia y Seguridad de Irán (MOIS) en relación con la participación del MOIS en la detención injusta de ciudadanos estadounidenses y del ex presidente Mahmoud Ahmadinejad por su apoyo al MOIS. Durante el mandato de Ahmadinejad, el MOIS de Irán secuestró y detuvo a Bob Levinson con autorización de altos funcionarios iraníes. La negativa del régimen a dar cuenta de lo que le sucedió a Bob causó dolor y sufrimiento insoportables a su familia y a quienes se preocupan por él. Pedimos a Irán que dé una explicación completa de lo que le sucedió a Bob Levinson, desde su cautiverio inicial hasta su probable muerte.

También estamos tomando medidas para imponer restricciones de visado a tres funcionarios del gobierno iraní que se cree que son responsables o cómplices de graves abusos o violaciones de los derechos humanos, así como de la toma de rehenes o la detención injusta, arbitraria o injusta de ciudadanos estadounidenses y extranjeros de conformidad con la autoridad en la Sección 212 (a) (3) (C) de la Ley de Inmigración y Nacionalidad (INA). Además, anunciamos la designación de los funcionarios penitenciarios iraníes Ali Chaharmahali y Dariush Bakshi de conformidad con la Sección 7031 (c) de la Ley de Asignaciones del Departamento de Estado, Operaciones Extranjeras y Programas Relacionados de 2023 por su participación en violaciones graves de los derechos humanos, a saber, el trato o castigo cruel, inhumano o degradante de los detenidos en el sistema penitenciario de Irán. Estas personas y sus familiares inmediatos no son elegibles para ingresar a los Estados Unidos.

Estados Unidos no tiene mayor prioridad que la seguridad de los ciudadanos estadounidenses. Continuaremos trabajando para traer a casa a los ciudadanos estadounidenses detenidos injustamente en el extranjero y responsabilizar a aquellos que están involucrados en la detención injusta de ciudadanos estadounidenses en el extranjero.

El Departamento de Estado está designando a MOIS por ser responsable o cómplice, por haber participado directa o indirectamente, o por ser responsable de ordenar, controlar o dirigir de otra manera la toma de rehenes de un ciudadano estadounidense o la detención ilícita de un nacional estadounidense en el extranjero. El Departamento del Tesoro está designando a Mahmoud Ahmadinejad por haber asistido materialmente, patrocinado o proporcionado apoyo financiero, material o tecnológico, o bienes o servicios para o en apoyo de MOIS. Se están tomando medidas de sanciones de conformidad con la Orden Ejecutiva 14078 "Refuerzo de los esfuerzos para traer a casa a los rehenes y a los ciudadanos estadounidenses detenidos injustamente".



Designating Iranian Persons Connected to Wrongful Detentions


By Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State

While we celebrate the release of Emad Shargi, Siamak Namazi, Morad Tahbaz, and two other U.S. citizens from their unjust detention in Iran, we are also taking action to hold the regime accountable for its abhorrent practice of unjustly detaining other countries’ citizens and to deter future wrongful detention by Iran and other regimes.

Pursuant to the sanctions authorities provided by the Levinson Act and Executive Order 14078, the United States is today designating Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) in connection with the MOIS’s involvement in the wrongful detention of U.S citizens and former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for his support to MOIS. During Ahmadinejad’s term in office, Iran’s MOIS abducted and detained Bob Levinson with authorization by senior Iranian officials. The regime’s refusal to account for what happened to Bob caused unbearable pain and suffering to his family and those who care about him. We call on Iran to give a full accounting of what happened to Bob Levinson, from his initial captivity to his probable death.

We are also taking steps to impose visa restrictions on three Iranian government officials believed to be responsible for or complicit in serious abuses or violations of human rights, as well as hostage-taking or wrongful, arbitrary, or otherwise unjust detention of U.S. and foreign nationals pursuant to authority in Section 212 (a)(3)(C) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). We are further announcing the designation of Iranian prison officials Ali Chaharmahali and Dariush Bakshi pursuant to Section 7031(c) of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act of 2023 for their involvement in gross violations of human rights, namely the cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment of detainees in Iran’s prison system. These individuals and their immediate family members are ineligible for entry into the United States.

The United States has no higher priority than the safety and security of U.S. citizens. We will continue to work to bring home U.S. nationals wrongfully detained overseas and hold accountable those who are involved in the wrongful detention of U.S. nationals abroad.

The Department of State is designating MOIS for being responsible for or complicit in, to have directly or indirectly engaged in, or to be responsible for ordering, controlling, or otherwise directing the hostage-taking of a U.S. national or the wrongful detention of a U.S national abroad. The Department of the Treasury is designating Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for having materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of MOIS. Sanctions actions are being taken pursuant to E.O. 14078 “Bolstering Efforts to Bring Hostages and Wrongfully Detained U.S. Nationals Home.”


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4 Comentarios

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  • Stephanie Fueger
    20 September 2023 20:24

    I am 21 years old, and I graduated college in May 2023. When I started college, I didn't have the credit history to obtain a private student loan for tuition expenses, and I didn't know anyone who would co-sign for me -- and my parents weren't in the position to do so either. Having a decent job at the time, I had the 'bright idea' to obtain a personal loan through my credit union (Founders FCU in SC) to pay for my tuition expenses. Each year I borrowed a little more to pay for each semester -- the loan ended up reaching a whopping $10,000. My credit union also talked me into applying for a credit card -- which I did and had a limit of $5,000. My fall semester of college I lost the job I had throughout college, and having no income until my internship started the next summer, I wasn't able to make the payments and they eventually went into charge off status. Also, during my Junior year in college, my grandmother needed a loan for medical expenses, and her credit was not good enough to qualify on her own, I agreed to co-sign for her, which was dumb, I know. It was a smaller open line of credit ($2,500) at State Employees Credit Union in NC. Around 6 months in, she couldn't make the payments, so I paid it off for her. Unknown to me, she took out an advance on the line right before she passed, and I found out shortly after and was stuck with the bill, and that did not help with the fact that I had lost my job and was already drowning in debt that I could not pay. That account went into charged off status as well shortly after. I have been in a relationship for a couple years, we recently moved in together, and the struggle of being approved as a co-applicant due to my credit made me realize that I needed to get my credit back in shape. It's easy to give up and forget about it, but I know that in the next 3-5 years we will want to buy a house, and I don't want to be the one who makes it difficult because I haven't addressed my credit situation. I have attempted a settlement and payment arrangement with Founders FCU and they have surprisingly been very difficult to work with -- they will not settle and will not make a payment arrangement with me. They also told me that they have filed a judgement. The loan through Founders is still accruing interest as well, but the credit card is not. I got a secured loan through NFCU in March for $300 at a 6-month term, after that a friend of mine who is an attorney recommended PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST to me, which I quickly contacted and explained my predicament to them. They gave me 100% assurance that they’ll bring my credit back to shape. Within 6 days they made my State Employees line of credit reporting as paid and some of my debts marked as paid which boosted my score to an excellent score. Mohela student loan no longer appears on my credit report. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for helping me gain my happiness back, I sincerely recommend them. Hit them up on email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM

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