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Regala mejores mañanas en estas fiestas

Regala mejores mañanas en estas fiestas



 La temporada navideña es el momento perfecto para mostrarles a tus amigos y familiares que te preocupas por su bienestar. ¿Y qué mejor manera de hacerlo que con el regalo de mejores mañanas? Desde padres que se quedan en casa hasta niños de nueve a cinco, aquí hay tres ideas de regalos que mejorarán las primeras horas de su día.


1. Levántate y brilla: Una mañana es tan buena como la noche de sueño que la precedió. Con un dispositivo de restauración de Hatch, las rutinas de relajación incluidas, la música relajante, los ejercicios guiados para dormir y las historias y sonidos para dormir pueden hacer que conciliar el sueño y permanecer dormido sea más fácil por la noche. Por la mañana, una luz de alarma con 22 colores diferentes hace que la llamada de atención sea más suave e individualizada, marcando la pauta para un día tranquilo y productivo.


2. La taza de café perfecta: Aquellos a los que les gusta quedarse con su taza de café matutina, o aquellos que se distraen fácilmente a mitad de la taza con tareas de trabajo, reuniones o deberes de crianza, saben muy bien que una gran taza de café puede perder su fuerza cuando se puede disfrutar. Ahora, hay una solución para mantener la bebida caliente favorita a la temperatura perfecta, desde el primer sorbo hasta el último. Nextmug, una taza de cerámica, con temperatura controlada y autocalentable, mantiene la bebida de una persona a su temperatura ideal durante horas. Esto elimina los viajes al microondas para recalentar café frío, y significa que, ya sea que uno esté atrapado en una reunión en persona o en una videollamada, su bebida se mantendrá a la temperatura adecuada todo el tiempo. Con tres configuraciones, Warm (130 grados), Hot (140 grados) y Piping (150 grados), hay espacio para personalizar la bebida y disfrutarla durante horas. Ideal para el hogar, la oficina o el home office, puedes alegrar y mejorar las mañanas, dondequiera que se produzcan. Para obtener más información, visite nextmug.com.


3. Dale vida a la ducha: Lleva el tiempo de la ducha a nuevas alturas dejando que tu ser querido traiga su entretenimiento de audio favorito, ya sea un podcast intelectualmente estimulante que amplíe sus horizontes o sus canciones pop favoritas. Para los estudiantes, este regalo podría incluso mejorar su éxito académico. Con tantos libros de texto ahora disponibles como grabaciones de audio, la hora de la ducha puede convertirse en una oportunidad para exprimir creativamente una sesión de estudio y repasar el material más reciente. Solo asegúrese de que el altavoz esté catalogado como seguro para la ducha y que se pueda colgar o montar fácilmente.


En esta temporada navideña, alegra el año que se avecina a tus seres queridos con regalos que hacen que las mañanas sean más fáciles, alegres y productivas. (StatePoint)




Give the Gift of Better Mornings This Holiday Season


The holiday season is the perfect time to show your friends and family you care about their well-being. And what better way to do that than with the gift of better mornings? From stay-at-home parents to nine-to-fivers, here are three gift ideas that will improve the early hours of their day.


1. Rise and shine: A morning is only as good as the night of sleep that preceded it. With a Restore device from Hatch, included wind down routines, soothing music, guided sleep exercises and sleep stories and sounds, can make falling and staying asleep easier at night. In the morning, an alarm light with 22 different colors makes for a gentler, individualized wake-up call, setting the tone for a peaceful and productive day.


2. The perfect cup of coffee: Those who like to linger over their morning cup of joe, or those who easily get distracted mid-cup by work tasks, meetings or parenting duties, know all too well that a great cup of coffee can lose its steam by the time it’s able to be enjoyed. Now, there is a solution for keeping one’s favorite hot beverage the perfect temperature -- from first sip to last. Nextmug, a ceramic, temperature-controlled, self-heating mug, maintains an individual’s beverage at their ideal temperature for hours. This eliminates trips to the microwave to reheat cold coffee, and means that whether one is stuck in an in-person meeting or a video call, their beverage will stay the right temperature the entire time. With three settings, Warm (130 degrees), Hot (140 degrees) and Piping (150 degrees), there is room to customize one’s drink and enjoy it for hours. Ideal for home, the office or the home office, you can brighten and improve mornings, wherever they take place. To learn more, visit nextmug.com.


3. Jazz up the shower: Take shower time to new heights by letting your loved one bring their favorite audio entertainment in there with them, be it an intellectually stimulating podcast that broadens their horizons or their favorite pop tunes. For students, this gift could even improve their academic success. With so many textbooks now available as audio recordings, shower time can become an opportunity to creatively squeeze in a study session and brush up on the latest material. Just make sure the speaker is listed as safe for the shower and that it can be hung or mounted easily.


 This holiday season, brighten your loved ones’ year ahead with gifts that make mornings easier, and more joyful and productive. (StatePoint)


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  • Judith Stephens
    07 November 2023 11:28

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  • David Zerbato
    06 November 2023 09:57

    Have you guys ever checked out PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST? I never knew that my credit is very bad due to hardship I have been facing and desperation. Luckily for me a friend introduced me to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. He helped me raise my score 297 points and removed all my eviction on my credit report thereby giving me a state. I was able to apply for a credit card once again and I was able to get a loan for my business. His service is affordable, He’s the real deal. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. His email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM

  • Patricia Cistaro
    05 November 2023 13:43

    Months ago I planted a seed here. My credit report was lit in red like a Christmas tree of nothing but bad checks. My goal at first was a 680 score, to qualify for a mortgage. That turned into 700…then 710…eventually I entered the 800 club. That 800 club then got me into the 800 teen club. Today I was notified that my Equifax passed the 800 teen club. 821! What was hard to qualify for a $500 credit card now makes it easy to get a $5000 credit card. What was hard to get a $1 credit line increase, makes it easy to get $1000. What was hard to get a lower credit card interest (that actually resulted in getting higher interest) now is easy to make and generally results in a lower rate. How I got to this point was from the help of PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST and the help I received from this board. It takes time, effort and determination. The pay in the end is great. I don’t regret working with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. When I started I wanted everything fixed overnight but he said no he has to go one bit at a time to avoid a trace. He started with what they know is easy and worked my credit up. That’s how I got here. His an angel in human form don’t fail to hit him up on email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM

  • Bernard Francis
    02 November 2023 18:43

    I’m a 36-year-old software engineer living in the Midwest. Most of my early life I never had good credit. 3 months ago my credit scores were 580 low 600s. I was obviously not happy with those scores so I started to clean up my credit. Opened 2 secured cards; Discover IT for 200; Navy Federal secured for 250. Did the pledge loan as well; self-account, stellar fi, boom for renting reporting, cap one only a 300 limit. Asking a family member to become an AU on their BOA still nothing changed instead my credit score kept dropping. Thanks PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST after reading so many reviews about them. When I got in touch with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST my story changed for the better. He helped me delete all negative items on my credit report within 6 days. My current score now is 806 TransUnion 811 Experian and 802 Equifax. Here is his contact info: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM I proudly and strongly recommend PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST service to everyone out there in need of a credit fix. He’s above the best and simply the best. 

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