The Black Night Sale
By Harmonee Wilfong
The day begins with a feast that is celebrated with friends, strangers, or even family! The food is amazing and the time spent with people is a blessing. However, it must come to a end soon. I head into work and prepare for my evening shift to help with Black Friday. We clean and organize the areas once more. We prepare to face the crowds ready to save. The lines begin to form outside and when the clock strikes 6pm people begin to flood in rushing to find the perfect gift at a great deal. Kathy B. Says, “It’s the best time to get everyone’s gift or even get somethings for our home”.
We watched as people crowd around and pick up items, and look to see if it is perfect then throw it back down. The shifts are long, and the people to seem to be a endless sea. Our store went from being packed with clothes to having racks and shelves completely empty. Whether it be clothes, shoes, household items, or toys for the little ones everything disappears with a new owner. I worked most of the sale days and was tired, but it was pretty great to help people look for gifts and recommend items to them. Black Friday a night of sales and craziness. Thanks for reading my column, please email El latino American newspaper at or call (405)632-1934 with any stories you would like me to cover !
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