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Discovering Engineering: OU Welcomes High Schoolers

Discovering Engineering:  OU Welcomes High Schoolers

NORMAN, Okla.- In response to the demand for engineers, the Gallogly College of Engineering at the University of Oklahoma recently welcomed high school students to grow their interest in engineering. Known as Engineering Days, the college hosted over 200 students during an 11-day event in June.Oklahoma is experiencing an urgent need for skilled engineers, with projections indicating that OU Engineering must graduate 900 students annually over the next five years to meet the demand, says Randa Shehab, Ph.D., the college’s senior associate dean.

“The importance of engaging students in real-world problem-solving and collaborating with faculty who are actively working on solutions benefits all Oklahomans,” Shehab said. Since its inception in 2015, Engineering Days has been a flagship initiative that offers one-day learning experiences over four weekends in June. Students visit the OU Norman campus and engage in engineering projects taught by faculty members. Dalton Brasington, the college’s director of outreach and recruitment, oversees Engineering Days.

“Engineering Days exposes high school juniors and seniors to the world of engineering through exciting projects and dynamic learning environments. Each camp day focuses on a different discipline,” Brasington said.This year, approximately 80% of participants hailed from various communities across Oklahoma, including Clinton, Edmond, Enid, Glenpool, Grove, Kiowa, Madill, Moore, Okemah, Wright City and Yukon. 

Students from Dallas, Houston and Midland, Texas, as well as Arkansas, Kansas, Nebraska and Ohio, added to the program’s regional diversity. Notably, around 25% of this summer’s participants represented the first generation in their families to attend college.Brasington underlines the significance of Engineering Days in providing equal opportunities to high school students who often lack access to engineering programs or may not consider engineering as a viable career path. 

“This lack of exposure is why Engineering Days was created more than a decade ago – to offer accessible and affordable experiences to young people,” he said.Taylor Salmond, a student at Norman North High School, expressed her enthusiasm for exploring the various engineering disciplines offered at Engineering Days, aiming to narrow down her career options.Reese Krebs, a student at the Classen School of Advanced Studies High School at Northeast, shared her passion for music, which she says prevented her from taking engineering courses during the school year. She joined Engineering Days to experience STEM activities and gain a better understanding of the possibilities that an engineering degree can offerThomas Cuellar, a homeschooled student from Oklahoma City, says he has a clear vision of pursuing engineering, inspired by his family’s background in the field.


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