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Kia regreso al Super Bowl con un divertido anuncio

Kia regreso al Super Bowl con un divertido anuncio

por Enrique Kogan 


Kia está de vuelta en el Super Bowl con un anuncio de 60 segundos que presenta el nuevo SUV Telluride X-Pro del 2023. Desde su presentación en el 2019, el popular Kia Telluride ha arrasado en la industria automotriz, convirtiéndose en el vehículo más premiado de la marca de rápido crecimiento.


“Binky Dad" es una historia muy identificable, la de un tipo normal dispuesto a hacer todo lo posible para mantener feliz a su familia. Pero incluso los héroes necesitan una mano amiga de vez en cuando, y ahí es donde entra en juego el nuevo Kia Telluride del 2023”, dijo Russell Wager, vicepresidente de marketing de Kia América.


“El nuevo Kia Telluride X-Pro del 2023 es el compañero de confianza de Binky Dad, y este dúo dinámico no descansará hasta que el Binky sea devuelto a su legítimo propietario”.


Creado por David&Goliath, la agencia creativa de Kia, “Binky Dad”, el anuncio número 14 del Super Bowl de Kia, estuvo ambientado en el conmovedor e icónico “Gonna Fly Now” (tema de “Rocky”) y comienza con una pareja joven y su bebé registrándose en un balneario de montaña

Cuando el bebé comienza a inquietarse, la mamá rebusca en su bolso y, después de no encontrar lo que busca, se vuelve hacia el papá y le pregunta: "Te acordaste del Binky, ¿verdad?". Inmediatamente cruza corriendo el vestíbulo del hotel hasta el puesto de valet donde agarra la llave de su Kia Telluride X-Pro y exclama: "¡Olvidé el Binky!" Un transeúnte captura la acción y publica "¡Dios mío, olvidó el Binky!" junto con "#binkydad". Y así comienzan las aventuras de Binky Dad y su fiel Kia Telluride del 2023.

Despues de entrevistar a familias aficionadas al football en este caso el Super Bowl, opinaron que “Olvide el Binky! fue uno de los mejores comerciales presentados durante el Super Bowl.

Y para usted cual fue el mejor comercial?

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4 Comentarios

  • Elizabeth Warren
    22 February 2023 18:44

    I’m writing this review in appreciation to this great credit specialist called PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST I can’t stop thanking them for the good job they did on my credit. I had been suffering from financial bondage until I met them. They promised to turn my situation around and they kept their promise. Every negative item on my credit report (Hard inquiries, late payments, credit card debts and charge-off) has been cleared and my score raised to 809 within 12days. Contact info Email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / Telephone: (323) 406 1225. 

  • John Parkar
    22 February 2023 15:11

    I want to use this opportunity to say a BIG thanks to Hacknet Credit Specialist for what he did for me and my family. I used to have a couple of inquires, negative entries, charge-off, school loans bank judgment, credit card debts all these deprive me from purchasing a home but after interacting with him right now all those are not on my credit report him got all of them out of my credit and raised my score to 798 I also got a high credit limit of $10,000. Please do well to contact him for credit fixes on HACKNET567@GMAIL.COM +1 646 450 2754.

  • Matthew Henderson
    20 February 2023 18:33

    After my marriage 3 months ago, I applied for a home loan, so that I and my wife could move to a better apartment, but I got a negative reply, which I was told was a result of my credit score. When I pulled my score it was below average. I had $12,000 student loan, some credit card debt, charge off and an eviction. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST helped me erase all the above negative reports and boosted my score to excellent in less than 6 days. I’m recommending them to any one in need of credit assistance. Contact them via EMAIL: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM or CALL their MOBILE: +1 (323) 406 1225.

  • Florence Johnson
    17 February 2023 20:56

    I have a couple of collection accounts that I want to get removed…. I was going through a divorce and lost track of certain bills/paperwork. Also I have completed a student loan that went into default. I have been making on time payment with the new provider but the old loans still remain as closed/transferred with the negative payments history on them. Shouldn’t they be deleted Since the same loans are now with a new loan provider? It is essentially duplicated reporting them right? I am planning on getting married in a couple years and want to buy a house with my current boyfriend and with this stuff on my report I fear I won’t be able to do this. This was exactly my story until I contacted PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST who did the magic by clearing all the debts and raised my score 804 excellent across the bureaus and even added some positive tradelines on my report. I was able to get a good house with a very low interest rate. Thank you for helping me…. EMAIL: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM for clearing of debts and more just the way I did or TEXT +1 (323) 406 1225. 

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