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Gran inauguración de Metro Tech Café

Gran inauguración de Metro Tech Café

OKLAHOMA CITY – Esta semana Metro Café ubicado dentro del Metro Tech District Center celebró una gran inauguración oficial y una ceremonia de corte de cinta para simbolizar su reapertura al público.

Ubicado en el campus de Metro Tech Springlake en 1900 Springlake Dr., el Café sirve como un espacio para que los aspirantes a chefs dentro del programa de Artes Culinarias de Metro Tech practiquen la creación de obras maestras gourmet y reciban capacitación profesional estándar de la industria. Aproximadamente 50 estudiantes se gradúan del programa cada año.

En 2020, la ubicación se cerró al público y permaneció cerrada por renovaciones realizadas en el lado sur del Centro del Distrito. Ahora que la construcción está completa, el Café está oficialmente abierto al público de 8 a.m. a 1 p.m., de martes a viernes, y ofrece desayuno y almuerzo, así como servicios de catering para eventos del Campus de Springlake.

"Estamos entusiasmados de dar la bienvenida a la comunidad nuevamente al Metro Café y comenzar una nueva era de excelente comida y oportunidades increíbles". La chef Chaya Pennington, instructora de artes culinarias y coordinadora del programa, dijo. "El Café ofrecerá deliciosas comidas hechas desde cero y al mismo tiempo creará un espacio para que los estudiantes obtengan experiencia práctica y practiquen las habilidades que necesitan para tener éxito en el lugar de trabajo.



Grand Opening Held for Metro Tech Café

OKLAHOMA CITY – This week, the Metro Café located within the Metro Tech District Center held an official grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony to symbolize its re-opening to the public.

Located on the Metro Tech Springlake Campus at 1900 Springlake Dr., the Cafe serves as a space for aspiring chefs within the Metro Tech Culinary Arts program to practice creating gourmet masterpieces and receive industry-standard career training. Approximately 50 students graduate from the program each year.

In 2020, the location was closed to the public and remained closed for renovations made to the south side of the District Center. Now that construction is complete, the Café is officially open to the public from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Tuesday through Friday, and offers breakfast and lunch as well as catering services for Springlake Campus events.

"We are excited to welcome the community back to the Metro Café and begin a new era of great food and amazing opportunities." Chef Chaya Pennington, Culinary Arts Instructor and Program Coordinator, said. "The Café will offer delicious meals made from scratch while also creating a space for students to get hands-on experience and practice the skills they need to be successful in the workplace."


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2 Comentarios

  • Sarah Powell
    17 September 2023 19:13

    Shout out to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for helping me achieve my goals of getting an excellent credit score and getting these collections off my credit report.  I am 27. Got my first. Credit cards at 18... was approved for a car off of the Toyota lot 7 months later with no cosigner... Being young and dumb, I maxed out all of my cards and had to go through a rebuild process in 2018 which didn’t work out for me. At that time, I had late payments and collections. I was making a lot of money at the time and again, was spending stupidly. From then on, things only went downhill. Long story short my AMEX was charged off and still reports every month as a charge off. I needed help getting this off my credit because it has shot it down so much!!! Until I came across PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST on this forum how they helped some members restore their credit. I quickly contacted them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM to my greatest surprise, within 6 days they helped me achieve my goals. I’m really grateful for their services. I sincerely recommend them. 

  • James Castle
    14 September 2023 18:59

    I’m a 36 years old divorce, software engineer living in the Midwest. I have two children with my ex-spouse (who pay a boatload of child support and Alimony too). Over the last 18 years I’ve not handled my finances wisely. I’ve had every kind of bad mark against me you can imagine: evictions, judgements, past due child support, a chapter 7 bankruptcy, charged off bank accounts, unpaid and unfiled taxes, liens and levy’s. All 3 of my credit scores came down to high 500s, I needed to work on my credit. Every part of life that involves money was so incredibly difficult for me. I asked my lawyer if there’s any trusted credit repair company which he recommended to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. Immediately at his presence I gave them a text which I got a response from them after some couple of minutes. I gave them a brief explanation about my financial issue and asked them if they could help me fix my credit. Which they gave me a 100% guarantee that they can. To my greatest surprise after 6 days I got a message from them that my credit has been permanently fixed. I immediately checked through Experian and discovered my credit has been increased to 800s across the 3 credit bureaus. And my credit report has been renewed, I now have a clean credit report. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. I honestly recommend them from my heart. Hit them up on: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM

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