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Miles de Niños ahora tendrán Representación Legal en procedimientos de Inmigración

Miles de Niños ahora tendrán Representación Legal en procedimientos de Inmigración

El fallo surge de una demanda presentada por la American Immigration Council, American Civil Liberties Union, proyecto de derechos de inmigrantes del noroeste, defensor público y K & L Gates LLP.  «Esta decisión significa que miles de niños tendrán ahora una oportunidad equitativa en corte de inmigración,» dice Ahilan Arulanantham de ACLU y la Fundación de ACLU del sur de California. "La administración Obama debe dejar de defender su práctica draconiana de la realización de las audiencias de deportación contra los niños no representados".
La clase cubre a todos los niños menores de 18 años que están en un proceso de inmigración en el Noveno circuito en o después del 24 de junio de 2016; no tienen un asesor jurídico, no puede las posibilidades de representación legal; y son potencialmente elegible para el asilo o son potencialmente capaces de reclamar plausible a la ciudadanía de los Estados Unidos.  
 "El gobierno no será capaz de simplemente retrasar el caso con la esperanza de que unos pocos casos individuales se pueden resolver sin la intervención del Tribunal. En cambio, el gobierno ahora debe defender un sistema que enfrenta a niños representados con los fiscales federales capacitados en una audiencia de corte acusatorio que literalmente puede llevar consecuencias de vida o muerte para los niños involucrados,"dijo Matt Adams, director jurídico del proyecto de derechos de inmigrantes del noroeste.
"Esto es una gran noticia para miles de niños que ya pueden unirse a nuestra demanda en contra de un gobierno que les obliga a ir a la corte de inmigración solos," según Melissa Crow, director jurídico de la American Immigration Council.
 "Bajo ninguna circunstancia deben los niños ser forzados a representarse a sí mismos contra los fiscales capacitados que buscan su deportación."  "Años de experiencia representando a los niños en la corte de inmigración nos ha enseñado un hecho simple: los niños, sin importar sus circunstancias, no pueden tener una audiencia sin un abogado," dijo Kristen Jackson, abogado senior y asesor público .

Washington DC.- A federal court has granted class-action status to a lawsuit challenging the federal government's failure to provide children in immigration court with lawyers in their deportation hearings. Several thousand children are estimated to be members of the class.
The ruling stems from a lawsuit filed by the American Immigration Council, American Civil Liberties Union, Northwest Immigrant Rights Project, Public Counsel, and K&L Gates LLP.
“This ruling means that thousands of children will now have a fighting chance at getting a fair day in immigration court,” said Ahilan Arulanantham of the ACLU’s Immigrants’ Rights Project and the ACLU Foundation of Southern California. “The Obama administration should stop defending its draconian practice of conducting deportation hearings against unrepresented children.”
The class covers all children under 18 who are in immigration proceedings in the Ninth Circuit on or after June 24, 2016; lack counsel; are unable to afford legal representation; and are potentially eligible for asylum or are potentially able to make colorable claims to U.S. citizenship. 
“The government will not be able to simply delay the case in hoping that a few individual cases may resolve themselves without court intervention. Instead, the government must now defend a system that pits unrepresented children against trained federal prosecutors in an adversarial court hearing that literally may carry life and death consequences for the children involved,” said Matt Adams, legal director of the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project.
The lawsuit, J.E.F.M. v. Lynch, was filed in U.S. District Court in Seattle. It charges the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services with violating the Constitution’s Fifth Amendment Due Process Clause and the Immigration and Nationality Act’s provisions requiring a “full and fair hearing” before an immigration judge. 
“This is great news for thousands of children who can now join our lawsuit against a government forcing them to go to immigration court alone,” according to Melissa Crow, legal director of the American Immigration Council. “Under no circumstances should children be forced to represent themselves against trained prosecutors seeking their deportation.”
“Years of experience representing children in immigration court has taught us a simple fact: Children, no matter their circumstances, cannot have a fair hearing without a lawyer,” said Kristen Jackson, senior staff attorney at Public Counsel. “The court’s order recognizes the challenges that immigrant children share and it puts us closer to a day when no child will have to face an immigration judge alone.”

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