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The Uprising

The Uprising

Capitol Hill High School

Walking through the gate, up the path, and into a classroom door. My name is Harmonee Wilfong, and I am the daughter of Kathy and Adam. Thanks to my parents for providing me support throughout my school years I am a senior at Capitol Hill High School. I know there are a lot of rumors about my school, but that is only half of the story! Every student that comes through the door is supported and a priority!

I am apart of a lot and aim high for everything I do! My schedule is consist of both high school and college classes, work, extracurriculars, and my internship at El Latino American. It takes a lot of energy and planning, but it’s all great! My Teachers, Principals, and Counselors are always ready to help answer questions and keep me on track.

I love the fact that they support both the arts and athletics. Our academics aren’t bad either, We are always engaged! I’ll be saying goodbye to Capitol Hill High School in May, 2019! I can’t wait to graduate but I am going to miss this. The laughs shared with friends and classmates, the stress of last minute studying, and walking through the halls I have come to know for the past four years. 

I am so lucky to have this column, even if it's for a short time, because I get to share so much. So if you have a story or event you would like me to cover, contact El Latino American newspaper by calling (405) 632-1934, or email ellatinonews@hotmail.com. Thank you for reading my column!

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