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DACA Court Ruling Ups the Ante for Congress

DACA Court Ruling Ups the Ante for Congress

WASHINGTON, D.C. — A federal judge ordered the Trump administration to resume accepting renewal applications for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Tuesday evening, blocking the president’s earlier decision to end the program entirely.
While the ruling allows current DACA beneficiaries to submit applications to renew their status, it does not permit new DACA applications and is likely to be appealed by the Justice Department, making the urgency with which Congress must act on a permanent legislative solution stronger than ever. If legislation is not passed in time for a fully functional system to be implemented by March 5th an estimated 1,000 individuals will lose protection every day.
Momentum is swelling for a bipartisan legislative solution. In a meeting with Democratic and Republican lawmakers yesterday, President Trump urged Congress to reach a bipartisan deal on Dreamers. A bipartisan framework authored by Reps. Will Hurd (R-Texas) and Pete Aguilar (D-California) that includes a permanent DACA fix was released earlier this week.
The overwhelming majority of Americans support a path to legal status for Dreamers. Voices across the political spectrum have called for a solution for young immigrants, including former Secretaries of Homeland Security (DHS)), House Republicans and prominent conservatives. Their support is echoed by law enforcement, evangelicals, iniversities and business leaders across the country.
“The court ruling on DACA, while important, in no way lessens the urgency with which Congress must act to protect Dreamers,” said Ali Noorani, Executive Director of the National Immigration Forum. “The clock is ticking for Congress to do their job and pass legislation supported by a vast majority of Americans.”

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