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Variety Care Celebra Apertura-Britton Health Center

Variety Care Celebra Apertura-Britton Health Center

Oklahoma City, OK – Variety Care celebró la apertura del centro de salud de Britton durante una ceremonia el 14 de agosto. El evento de inauguración fue encabezado por el Alcalde David Holt quien presento a los dignatarios -Steve Russell y el representante George Young entre otros, asi como tambien un reconocimiento especial a Cámaras de Comercio del área local. El centro comunitario de salud, ubicado en 721 W. Britton Rd., está ahora abierto al público.
Con casi 200 invitados presentes, la ceremonia comenzó con un mensaje de bienvenida del Presidente y miembro de la Junta de Variety Care- Mariano Acuña. Miembros de la comunidad local ofrecieron cálidos sentimientos para el centro de salud de la comunidad sin fines de lucro, especialmente a través de una invocación por el Senior Pastor de Britton Christian Church- Mike Hays: "Estamos muy agradecidos a Variety Care por haber elegido a esta comunidad para ayudar a aquellos que están sufriendo y a los que necesitan,"dijo el Pastor Hays.
Después del mensaje del Pastor Hays, el congresista Steve Russell ofreció comentarios sobre la asistencia a nivel federal y de los resultados positivos ofrecidos a través de la unidad. "Si vamos a tener soluciones, se [debe tener] a nivel local," dijo. Russell agradeció al personal de Variety Care por sus incansables esfuerzos en la ampliación de atención de la salud para todos en Oklahoma.
Seguido por el representante George Young quien habló sobre el impacto potencial de proporcionar un centro de salud a los residentes del "Viejo Britton". "Estamos creando otra oportunidad para impactar la salud y el nivel de vida para muchos que desean mejorar, pero luchan con situaciones de la vida," dijo Young. "Todavía tenemos mucho que hacer. Debemos unimos en este momento para hacer un mañana mejor."
Alcalde David Holt encabezó la ceremonia de corte de cinta con su mensaje acerca de la necesidad de calidad, y cuidado de salud asequible en la zona. "Hay inversiones que se estan realizando en Britton", dijo el alcalde Holt. "Necesitamos hacer una pausa y ver el potencial aquí. [Este centro de salud] atrae la atención a la zona y proporciona un catalizador para lo que puede suceder aquí y una inversión mundial hermosa."
El centro de salud Variety Care de Britton, es un centro de salud comunitario que ofrece medicina familiar, atención pediátrica, salud de la mujer, dental, una farmacia de autoservicio, salud mental y mucho más. Lo más importante, la instalación de 33,000 pies cuadrados proporcionará a miembros de la comunidad marginadas del histórico "viejo Britton" de Oklahoma a los servicios variados que ofrece Variety Care.
Para obtener más información visite Para programar una cita, llame al (405) 632-6688.

Oklahoma City.- Variety Care celebrated the opening of the Britton Health Center during a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Aug. 14. The grand opening event was headlined by Mayor David Holt, featured dignitaries—U.S. Rep. Steve Russell and Rep. George Young among others—and a special acknowledgement from local-area chambers of commerce. The community health center, located at 721 W. Britton Rd., is now open to the public.
With nearly 200 guests in attendance, the ceremony began with a welcoming message from Past President and Board Member of Variety Care Mariano Acuna. Local community members offered warm sentiments to the nonprofit community health center, most notably through an invocation by Senior Pastor of Britton Christian Church Mike Hays: “We are grateful for Variety Care who has chosen to move into this community to help those who are hurting and those in need,” Pastor Hays said.
Following Pastor Hays, U.S. Rep. Steve Russell offered remarks on assistance from the federal level and the positive outcomes offered through unity. “If we’re going to have solutions, it [must be] at the local level,” he said. Russell then thanked Variety Care staff for their tireless efforts in expanding health care for all Oklahomans.
Next up was Rep. George Young who spoke on the potential impact of providing a community health center to the residents of “Old Britton.” “We are creating another opportunity to impact the health and the standard of living for many who desire better, but struggle with life issues,” Young said. “We still have much to do. We must join in this moment to make tomorrow better.”
Mayor David Holt headlined the ribbon-cutting ceremony and used his remarks to sum up the need for quality, affordable health care in the area. “There is investment happening in Britton,” Mayor Holt said. “We need to pause and see the potential here. [This health center] brings attention to the area and provides a catalyst for what can happen here and a world-class beautiful investment.”
Past President and Variety Care Board Member Don Nevard used his remarks to thank Variety Care board members and staff who played an integral role in the construction of the Britton Health Center.
Since 2014, Variety Care has met with supporters to accomplish their goal of building a state-of-the-art facility for underserved community members. “Variety Care has a great nonprofit board with real team players,” Nevard said. “We believe in the mission.”
The ceremony concluded with a final message from Variety Care CEO Lou Carmichael. In her closing remarks, Carmichael chronicled the long-storied journey that carried the nonprofit organization to completing its 16th location. Part of this journey included building and furthering relationships with numerous partners, vendors and companies including: Oklahoma Primary Care Association, Oklahoma Health Care Authority, Oklahoma State Department of Health, OKC-County Health Department, Diagnostic Laboratory of Oklahoma, Patterson Dental, North Care, Hearts for Hearing, United Way of Central Oklahoma, The Business District of Britton, local churches, schools, organizations and a host of others. Carmichael also mentioned the “secret sauce” that keeps Variety Care thriving—her staff. “It’s a family effort and we have done [this] together,” Carmichael said.
Carmichael concluded her speech with a hopeful message on what the community can expect from the new Variety Care Britton Health Center: “We have to be visionary about what we want to see,” she said. “If you look a little farther with me what will see is healthier pregnancies, normal birth weights, lower tobacco use, lower obesity, recovery from opioid addiction through medically-assisted treatment and therapy, people who feel safe when they go to the doctor or dentist and welcomed when they come. We see the Britton Road Corridor coming back to life.”
Variety Care Britton Health Center is a state-of-the-art community health center offering family medicine, pediatric care, women’s health, dental, a drive-thru pharmacy, behavioral health and much more. Most importantly, the 33,000-square-foot facility will provide underserved community members of Oklahoma’s historic “Old Britton” access to the vast services offered by Variety Care.
For more information on Variety Care, please visit To schedule an appointment, please call (405) 632-6688.

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