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Estimados futuros estudiantes y familias,

Estimados futuros estudiantes y familias,

Gracias por considerar la preparatoria católica Cristo Rey OKC para la educación de su hijo(a).

Cristo Rey OKC, es una preparatoria católica, asequible, con preparación para la universidad, y comprometida con la excelencia académica para estudiantes de todas las religiones. En Cristo Rey OKC, nuestro objetivo es facilitar los recursos necesarios ayudar a los estudiantes a tener éxito en el aula de clases y más allá, por medio de tutorías, orientación universitaria y consejería social y emocional. Tenemos una tecnología uno a uno (1:1) para los estudiantes de la preparatoria; lo que equivale, a que cada estudiante recibe una computadora portátil para asegurar el éxito en el aula de clases y en el lugar de trabajo.

Es un requisito que todos los estudiantes de Cristo Rey OKC, participen en nuestro programa de estudio-trabajo corporativo, en el cual los estudiantes trabajan 5 días al mes. Los ingresos otorgados a los estudiantes por nuestros socios corporativos cubren una gran parte del valor de su matrícula.

El(la) estudiante ideal de Cristo Rey OKC, está entusiasmado(a) por trabajar en un entorno profesional y dispuesto(a) a trabajar arduamente en el aula de clases y en el trabajo. Se espera que los estudiantes y sus familias tengan un interés personal en el éxito de sus hijos(as) durante los cuatro años en la preparatoria, lo que finalmente los(as) llevará a la universidad. Nuestro objetivo en Cristo Rey OKC para cada estudiante es entrar a la universidad y completarla.

¡Esperamos que quiera saber más sobre Cristo Rey OKC y al final se una a nuestro grupo excepcional de estudiantes!

No dude en comunicarse con nosotras si necesita mas información sobre el proceso de admisión al: o llamando a la escuela al: 405.945.9100


Mrs. Monica Suyo

Mrs. Yuri Alba

Oficina de Admisiones 

Cristo Rey OKC Highschool


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18 Comentarios

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  • Jessica Willoughby
    23 May 2023 22:09

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  • Robert Fowlkes
    23 May 2023 17:19

    Long story short, I've been doing some rebuilding. Last summer's score was TU 505, EX 521, EQ 560. Baddies are 30 days late on my Matco account from 11/19, I had 4 inquiries within the last 12 months, 3 credit cards in the last 12 months, chapter 7 in 2017. I was looking to get a Bilt card for a while but was hesitant since Wells Fargo always denies. I pulled the trigger to contact PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST last two weeks and explained my problems to them, which they offered to give me a solution to my bad credit score and my bad credit report. I subscribed to their service. The miracle here is that within 6 days they gave me an excellent score of TU 806, EX 811, EQ 814 and deleted the inquiries and late payment on my credit report. Last night I reapplied and was instantly approved for $15,000. Back to the garden for the rest of the year. Next target is Cap One X Venture. BIG THANKS to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for their service and MyFico community. Hit them on email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / Text + (872) 265 2951.

    22 May 2023 09:02

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  • Miriam Ross
    21 May 2023 16:16

    EX score was 580. TU 579, EQ 582. Overall utility is 8% one month ago I applied for an Apple Card, I got rejected immediately due to poor credit score and negative items on my credit report. Two weeks ago a member who had credit related issues posted about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. I keyed into them and gave them a hit by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM I got a quick response from them immediately, which assured me to fix my credit within the duration of 6 days. After 3 days I got an email to confirm my NEW CREDIT which I did immediately. My score has been raised to EX 805, TU 813, EQ 811 and all negative items have been deleted permanently. I have to reapply for the Apple Card, it was a SP, immediately approved for $10,500. Also signed up for the Apple savings account to have my daily Cash deposited into it. Last weekend, I got an email about the GM card Marcus applied for, and got the need to review my application message, Monday morning I got a call to confirm I was the one to apply, confirmed yes, approved for $10,000. HUGE THANKS to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. You can CALL on +1 (872) 265 2951.

  • John Dawson
    19 May 2023 16:01

    My situation isn’t the best nor the worst either. Being a long time lurker and finally having gotten to a place I am able to come to terms with my credit situation and begin to do the work. Going through a divorce and then the pandemic was rough. The transmission in my car went out. I went without a car for as long as possible, before financing a car. My goal is to qualify for a mortgage. But my credit was EQ: 516, TU: 613, EX: 539. I had 2 inquiries on EQ, TU:5. There is an inquiry on my TU that I don’t recognize from synchrony. Fyzical Lakewood Ranch Medical Debt $85, Banfield Pet Hospital $1,326 purchased by I.C. system. I was unsure of what my next steps should be, until I read some excellent reviews about PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST on this forum. I hooked up to them immediately by email and explained my situation to them. They accepted my offer by giving me an excellent credit score of EQ: 815, TU: 811, EX: 804. Within 6 days. They also gave me a clean credit report by removing all inquiries and medical debts. I sincerely love their service. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST are the greatest when it comes to credit repair. You can get them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / +1 (872) 265 2951. THANKS. 

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