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Receta de la Semana: Tilapia de hierbas y limon

Receta de la Semana: Tilapia de hierbas y limon



1. En un tazón grande, añadir el perejil, el ajo, el jugo de limón, el aceite de oliva, la pimienta, y el comino. Mezclar bien. Colocar la tilapia en la mezcla de hierbas y marinar durante 5 minutos, asegurándose de que ambos lados estén cubiertos.

2. Preparar el arroz según las instrucciones del paquete. Poner a un lado.

3. Cubrir ligeramente un sartén con aceite en aerosol y calentar a fuego medio. Añadir la tilapia y la marinada de hierbas. Cocinar 3-4 minutos por lado o hasta que la tilapia esté ligeramente dorada y se desmenuce fácilmente con un tenedor.

4. Añadir los tomates y cocinar 1-2 minutos o hasta que estén calientes. Servir sobre el arroz.

Usa lima y cilantro en lugar de limón y perejil para un sabor diferente.



• 1 taza de perejil fresco picado

• 4 dientes de ajo, picados finamente

• Jugo de 2 limones

• 2 cdas de aceite de oliva

• 1 cdta de pimienta negra

• 1 cdta de comino

• 1 taza de arroz integral instantáneo

• 4 filetes (4 oz) de tilapia, descongelados

• Aceite en aerosol antiadherente

• 2 tazas de tomates pequeños, cortados por la mitad

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5 Comentarios

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  • Judith Stephens
    07 November 2023 11:28

    After going through a chaotic repossession in 2021, my credit score dropped to Equifax: 545, TransUnion: 554, Experian: 559. Every effort to restore my credit all good points failed. About a month ago, while browsing credit blogs, I came across comments about the ROOTKITS CREDIT SPECIALIST. In desperation, I contacted them and asked if they could help me improve my credit score. He responded positively and I had to sign up for his services. I pulled my score after several days as I was instructed. Imagine my surprise when I discovered my score had been boosted to Equifax: 779, TransUnion: 775, and Experian 782. You can reach out to them via ROOTKITSCREDITSPECIALIST AT GMAIL DOT COM.

  • David Zerbato
    06 November 2023 09:57

    Have you guys ever checked out PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST? I never knew that my credit is very bad due to hardship I have been facing and desperation. Luckily for me a friend introduced me to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. He helped me raise my score 297 points and removed all my eviction on my credit report thereby giving me a state. I was able to apply for a credit card once again and I was able to get a loan for my business. His service is affordable, He’s the real deal. All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. His email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM

  • Patricia Cistaro
    05 November 2023 13:43

    Months ago I planted a seed here. My credit report was lit in red like a Christmas tree of nothing but bad checks. My goal at first was a 680 score, to qualify for a mortgage. That turned into 700…then 710…eventually I entered the 800 club. That 800 club then got me into the 800 teen club. Today I was notified that my Equifax passed the 800 teen club. 821! What was hard to qualify for a $500 credit card now makes it easy to get a $5000 credit card. What was hard to get a $1 credit line increase, makes it easy to get $1000. What was hard to get a lower credit card interest (that actually resulted in getting higher interest) now is easy to make and generally results in a lower rate. How I got to this point was from the help of PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST and the help I received from this board. It takes time, effort and determination. The pay in the end is great. I don’t regret working with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. When I started I wanted everything fixed overnight but he said no he has to go one bit at a time to avoid a trace. He started with what they know is easy and worked my credit up. That’s how I got here. His an angel in human form don’t fail to hit him up on email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM

  • Bernard Francis
    02 November 2023 18:43

    I’m a 36-year-old software engineer living in the Midwest. Most of my early life I never had good credit. 3 months ago my credit scores were 580 low 600s. I was obviously not happy with those scores so I started to clean up my credit. Opened 2 secured cards; Discover IT for 200; Navy Federal secured for 250. Did the pledge loan as well; self-account, stellar fi, boom for renting reporting, cap one only a 300 limit. Asking a family member to become an AU on their BOA still nothing changed instead my credit score kept dropping. Thanks PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST after reading so many reviews about them. When I got in touch with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST my story changed for the better. He helped me delete all negative items on my credit report within 6 days. My current score now is 806 TransUnion 811 Experian and 802 Equifax. Here is his contact info: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM I proudly and strongly recommend PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST service to everyone out there in need of a credit fix. He’s above the best and simply the best. 

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